Environmental Targets for 2030

Environmental Targets for 2030

Theme Target  
FY2021 actual FY2022 actual FY2023 actual Revised target for FY2030
Preventing global warming  Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the supply chain
  • • Reduce Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions
compared with FY2016
compared with FY2016
-18.6% (preliminary)
compared with FY2016
compared with FY2016
  • • Reduce Scope 3 CO2 emissions
  • • Set action targets for emissions reduction
  • • Expanded scope of calculation to include The Nisshin OilliO Group, Ltd., Intercontinental Specialty Fats Sdn. Bhd.
• Obtained third-party verification of CO2 emissions
  • • Set quantitative targets for FY2030
  • • Began detailed discussions with US and Canadian industry groups via the Japan Oilseed Processors Association (JOPA) on methods of calculating CO2 emissions from main raw materials (soybean, rapeseed) (September)
  • • Obtained third-party verification of CO2 emissions
(starting with Categories 1 and 4)
compared with FY2020
  • • Implement environmental education and promote the reduction of CO2 emissions through business operations by each and every employee
 Promote the use of renewable energy
  • • Promote the use of renewable energy at the Sakai Plant
  • • Decided to install a solar power generation system at the Sakai Plant
  • • Installed a solar power generation system at the Sakai Plant
  • • Reduced CO2 emissions by 179 t-CO2 through solar power generation at the Sakai Plant
  • • Expand efforts led by the Sakai Plant to other plants and Group companies
  • • Decided to install solar power generation systems at the Yokohama Isogo Plant and the Nagoya Plant
  • • Installed solar power generation systems at the Yokohama Isogo Plant and the Nagoya Plant
  • • Reduced CO2 emissions by 245 t-CO2 through solar power generation at the Yokohama Isogo Plant and the Nagoya Plant
Establishing resource recycling  Promote recycling in production processes
  • • Recycling rate in production processes
99.8% 99.8% 99.9% At least 99%
  • • Effectively use by-products from edible oil production
  • • Formulated a plan to install a biomass boiler at the Sakai Plant
  • • Installed a biomass boiler at the Sakai Plant
  • • Reduced CO2 emissions by 351 t-CO2 through biomass boiler operation at the Sakai Plant
 Efficiently use water resources for production
  • • Reduce our water consumption intensity in production activities
compared with FY2016
compared with FY2016
compared with FY2016
compared with FY2016
Plant resources/nature conservation  Promote sustainable raw material procurement
• Promote sustainable palm oil procurement
• Increase the percentage of certified palm oil 54.9% (Jan–Dec 2021) 59.6% (Jan–Dec 2022) 66.9% (Jan–Dec 2023) 100%
• Increase the SG ratio of RSPO certified oil 49.6% (Jan–Dec 2021) 51.1% (Jan–Dec 2022) 56.3% (Jan–Dec 2023) 50%
• Establish a system to ensure traceability to plantations, aiming for 100% traceability Palm oil: 68.5%
Palm kernel oil: 30.5%
Palm oil: 90.9% Palm oil: 92.7% Palm oil: 100%
• Promote efforts to increase soybean sustainability
  • • Conducted a fact-finding survey on Brazilian soybean, considered joining the Roundtable on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS), etc.
  • • Established Soybean Procurement Policy
  • • Formulated an action plan based on traceability, Scope 3 emissions reduction, etc.
  • • Began engaging in dialogue with suppliers and producer organizations (in collaboration with JOPA and others, preparing to join RTRS)
Sustainable soybean procurement predicated on stable supply
• Promote sustainable cacao procurement
  • • Conducted a survey on the conditions of production areas and customer needs
  • • Established Cacao Action Plan
  • • Formulated an action plan based on cacao procurement traceable to plantations, release of products made from certified cacao, conservation of rare beans, etc.
Sustainable cacao procurement predicated on stable supply
 Promote natural conservation activities
  • • Promote afforestation, etc.
  • • Planted mangrove trees (roughly 0.14 ha, 365 trees) in Malaysia
  • • Planned to expand scale in 2022 and onward
  • • Planted mangrove trees (2 ha) in Malaysia
  • • Planted mangrove trees (1.5 ha, 3,000 trees) in Malaysia
Promoting environmentally friendly development Reduce plastic containers/packaging and promote resource recycling
  • • Develop product designs and new containers that reduce plastic use
  • • Discussed the course of action in response to the problems of plastic
  • • Strengthened production system for environmentally friendly containers
  • • Released three paper container products (Canola Oil, Canola Oil Halfuse, and Healthy Sesame Fragrant Oil)
  • • Introduced new containers with 30% recycled PET plastic and 39% less plastic than conventional bottles, released eight new products
  • • Development and realization of systems for containers, technologies, and services conducive to resource recycling
  • • Reduction of emissions per new plastic containers (bottle/cap) made from petroleum: 15% (compared with FY2022)
  • • Develop easily recyclable containers and technologies to facilitate recycling, and establish a recycling system
  • • Decided to invest in an environmentally friendly container filling line at the Sakai Plant
  • • Collaborated with the City of Kawasaki on an experiment to collect used plastic containers for edible oil and seasonings from households
  • • Promote the use of recycled materials and plant-derived materials as alternatives to facilitate recycling
  • • Planned to introduce biopolyethylene in products in the household-use category (1,000-g polyethylene bottles)
  • • Introduced biopolyethylene in products in the household-use category (1,000-g polyethylene bottles)
 Develop products/services that use plant resources and have a positive environmental impact
  • • Develop products and applications that have a positive impact on the environment in the food and industrial domains
  • • Developed 10 products that have a positive environmental impact
  • • Developed new approaches and proposals for industrial applications (e.g., lubricants, inks, adhesives)
  • • Developed 15 products that have a positive environmental impact
  • • Cumulative: 41 products
  • • Developed and released long-lasting oils, plant-based industrial oils and fats, etc. for reducing food loss
Products/services that have a positive environmental impact become the core driving force of growth

Environmental management promotion system

The Nisshin OilliO Group has established a Management Sustainability Committee that sets out environmental policies to achieve the sustainable growth of the Group and sustainable development of society (sustainability) and oversees the environmental activities of the entire Group. In response to these environmental policies, each division/department office, business site, and Group company has established an environmental management system under which they set out, implement, and monitor environmental targets and measures.

Environmental management promotion system

Acquiring environmental management certifications

The Nisshin OilliO Group has acquired ISO 14001 and other environmental management system certifications and implements activities based on an environmental management program. Since 2000, we have made efforts to acquire certification for each of our production plants, and in FY2009, we integrated our production plants and distribution centers (i.e. made them multi-sites) to create a system for centrally managing environmental targets and regulations and other key monitoring items. We will continue to promote certification to Group companies.

System Certification date Organizations
ISO 14001 September 2009
(Multi-site integration
The Nisshin OilliO Group, Ltd.
 Yokohama Isogo Complex
 Nagoya Plant
 Sakai Plant
 Mizushima Complex
 Distribution centers
(Tohoku-Ishinomaki, Fukuoka)
February 2013 IQL
September 2018 ISF (Port Klang Plant)
October 2018 ISF (Dengkil Plant)
Eco-Action 21 January 2014 Nakai Plant, Daito Cacao Co., Ltd.

ISF: Intercontinental Specialty Fats Sdn. Bhd.
IQL: Industrial Química Lasem, S.A.U.