
タイトルTitle Occurrence of Conjugated Linolenic Acids in Purified Soybean Oil
発表時期 2007
掲載雑誌Journal J Am Oil Chem Soc. 84 23-29 2007
著者Author(s) T. Kinami, N. Horii, B. Narayan, S. Arato, M. Hosokawa, K. Miyashita, H. Negishi, J. Ikuina, R. Noda, S. Shirasawa
詳細Link http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1007/s11746-006-1005-5
タイトルTitle Randomly Interesterified Triacylglycerol Containing Medium- and Long-Chain Fatty Acids Stimulates Fatty Acid Metabolism in White Adipose Tissue of Rats
発表時期 2006
掲載雑誌Journal Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 70 (12)2919-2926 2006
著者Author(s) H. Shinohara, J. Wu, M. Kasai, T. Aoyama
詳細Link http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17151468
タイトルTitle Safety evaluation of a medium- and long-chain triacylglycerol oil produced from medium-chain triacylglycerols and edible vegetable oil
発表時期 2006
掲載雑誌Journal Food Chem. Toxicol. 44 (9)1530-1538 2006
著者Author(s) R.A. Matulka, O. Noguchi, N. Nosaka
詳細Link http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16753249
タイトルTitle A Novel Method for Solvent Fractionation of Two CLA Isomers
発表時期 2006
掲載雑誌Journal J Am Oil Chem Soc. 83 (3)261-267 2006
著者Author(s) H. Uehara, T. Suganuma, S. Negishi, S. Ueno, K. Sato
詳細Link http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1007/s11746-006-1202-2
タイトルTitle Enrichment of CLA Isomers by Selective Esterification with L-Menthol Using Candida rugosa Lipase
発表時期 2006
掲載雑誌Journal J Am Oil Chem Soc. 83 (2)93-99 2006
著者Author(s) T. Kobayashi, T. Nagao, Y. Watanabe, Y. Yamauchi-Sato, S. Negishi, Y. Shimada
詳細Link http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1007/s11746-006-1180-4
タイトルTitle Isomer-Specific Anti-Obese and Hypolipidemic Properties of Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Obese OLETF Rats
発表時期 2006
掲載雑誌Journal Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 70 (2)355-362 2006
著者Author(s) YM. Wang, K. Nagao, N. Inoue, Y. Ujino, Y. Shimada, T. Nagao, T. Iwata, T. Kamegai, Y. Yamauchi-Sato, T. Yanagita
詳細Link http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16495650
タイトルTitle Lower Weight Gain and Higher Expression and Blood Levels of Adiponectin in Rats Fed Medium-Chain TAG Compared with Long-Chain TAG
発表時期 2006
掲載雑誌Journal Lipids 41 (2)207-212 2006
著者Author(s) H. Takeuchi, O. Noguchi, S. Sekine, A. Kobayashi, T. Aoyama
詳細Link http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17707987
タイトルTitle 中鎖脂肪酸トリグリセリド(MCT)および中・長鎖脂肪酸トリグリセリド(MLCT)の胃排出速度に及ぼす影響について
発表時期 2006
掲載雑誌Journal The Japanese Society of Digestion and Absorption 29 (2)80-82 2006
著者Author(s) 小川明子、笠井通雄、中村光男
タイトルTitle Synthesis of Triacylglycerol Containing Conjugated Linoleic Acid by Esterification Using Two Blended Lipases
発表時期 2006
掲載雑誌Journal J Am Oil Chem Soc. 83 (1)35-38 2006
著者Author(s) T. Hirose, Y. Yamauchi-Sato, Y. Arai, S. Negishi
詳細Link http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1007/s11746-006-1172-4
タイトルTitle Lymphatic Transport of a Physical Mixture of Medium- and Long-Chain TAG in Rats
発表時期 2006
掲載雑誌Journal Lipids 41 (1)63-66 2006
著者Author(s) H. Takeuchi, J. Funabashi, K. Ooyama, T. Aoyama, M. Sugano
詳細Link http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16555473