The mission of The Nisshin OilliO Group is to realize people’s happiness and to continue contributing to social and economic development, under the core concept of “good flavor, health, and beauty” and as a corporate group whose existence is valued by all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, shareholders and investors, employees, and society.
In October 2002 the Group established The Nisshin OilliO Group Code of Conduct based on our Corporate Philosophy. Further recognizing our mission and responsibilities to society, we positioned it as a guideline in our endeavor to become a corporate group that is highly regarded by society and aims to realize a vibrant future.
Based on our Corporate Philosophy, this Code of Conduct is an action guideline, which clearly states that all of us in the Group will have a strong sense of responsibility, promote energetic business activities, comply with relevant laws and regulations as a member of society, and act in accordance with social ethics and norms.
In recent years the business environment surrounding the Group has faced accumulated social issues on a global scale, including environmental issues and human rights issues. Major changes have appeared in Japan as well, including the extremely low birthrate, rapid aging of society, and full-fledged population decline. Uncertainty about the future is mounting. Because of worldwide transformation in consumption and lifestyle patterns and their further diversification, conventional ways of doing business and thinking about things may no longer pass. Furthermore, as a corporate citizen, we are being required even more than before to contribute toward the realization of a sustainable society.
Amid these circumstances, in April 2021 we launched The Nisshin OilliO Group Vision 2030 with the purpose of achieving the sustained growth of the Group into the future and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society. We aim to continue growing by identifying priority areas among social issues that the Group will focus on and creating diverse shared value (CSV: Creating Shared Value) with society through the solution of these issues.
About 20 years have passed since we declared our Corporate Philosophy, Core Commitment, and Corporate Statement of “The Natural Power of Plants,” yet they remain a good expression of the Group’s reason for existing and are universal. In addition, to realize the Group’s aspirations, we have established Values, which is a set of values that every one of us must cherish as the basis for his/her actions. In light of the relationship between our Corporate Philosophy and Values, we reviewed what actions we should take in the future from a more global perspective and set about revising our Code of Conduct accordingly. The accumulation of efforts by each and every one of us to behave in accordance with the Code of Conduct will enhance trust in the Group and give us the “power” to create diverse shared value with society.
Directors, officers, and employees of all companies constituting The Nisshin OilliO Group are required to fully understand the purposes of this Code of Conduct and to act with determination to comply with the code and to proactively implement it.
This Code of Conduct sets forth basic standards for directors, officers, and employees of all companies comprising The Nisshin OilliO Group to be aware of their responsibilities and mission as Group companies and to carry out their duties with vitality based on our Corporate Philosophy.
We will build equal partnerships with our business partners to build mutually trustworthy relations, jointly develop products, services, and markets, and grow together toward the realization of a sustainable society.
Constantly mindful of our Core Commitment, we will strive to enhance the brand value of the Group from all perspectives, including product development, services, sales activities, and public relations activities.
We will thoroughly implement systematic crisis management in preparation for such threats as terrorism, cyberattacks, and natural disasters.
Established October 1, 2002
Revised April 1, 2024